sexta-feira, 5 de abril de 2013

Descubra o poder dos óleos ozonizados, sua pele vai agradecer!

Se o Oxigênio Ozonizado é novo para você
por favor leia .... sua pele vai agradecer!

A Ozone Oil está tão entusiasmada com a sua nova  linha de Oxigênio Completamente Ozonizado!
Vocês vão  adorar estes novos produtos de tratamento para a pele.

As terapias faciais de Oxigênio Ozonizado já são populares na Europa há muitos anos. Esta terapia e ciência  vem sido utilizada  desde 1800. Logo no início, os médicos profissionais perceberam os benefícios do tratamentos de oxigênio para pacientes que sofrem  com muitas doenças, incluindo cicatrizes, feridas, vermes, pé de atleta, fungos, vírus  e muito mais.

Conforme o desenvolvimento das pesquisa progrediu, o Oxigênio Ozonizada tornou-se conhecido por ser altamente eficaz para  anti-envelhecimento, desintoxicação e melhora do tom da pele. Estudos mostram que o ozono ajuda a evitar bactérias e desintoxica o ácido láctico da pele libertando oxigênio. O Oxigênio ajuda a entregar os ingredientes ativos à pele enquanto reduz fungos e bactérias. O principal benefício de oxigênio ozonizada é que ele hidrata a pele, dando uma aparência mais suave, bem hidratado, hidratada e livre de rugas. Muitas pessoas também notam que esses benefícios facilitam a aplicação da maquiagem, pois a  superfície fica mais lisa para trabalhar.

Nossos produtos de oxigênio ozonizados estão disponíveis em

If ozonated oxygen is all new to you, please read on….your skin will thank you!


Ozone oil is so thrilled about  our Fully Ozonated Oxygen line!  Our clients will absolutely love these new products. 
Skin treatment

If ozonated oxygen is all new to you, please read on….your skin will thank you!
Although ozonated oxygen facials and therapies have been extremely popular in Europe for many years, the therapy and science has been around since the 1800s.  Early on, medical professionals realized the benefits of oxygen treatments for patients who suffered with many ailments including scarring, wounds, ring worm, athlete’s foot, body fungus and more.

As development and research progressed, ozonated oxygen became known for being highly effective for anti-aging, detoxification and improved skin tone.  Studies show that ozone helps to prevent bacteria and detoxifies the lactic acid in the skin by releasing oxygen. Oxygen helps to deliver active ingredients into the skin while reducing fungus and bacteria. The primary benefit of ozonated oxygen is that it hydrates the skin giving a smoother, well-hydrated, moisturized and wrinkle-free appearance.  Many people also notice that these benefits lead to easier makeup application since it gives a smoother surface to work with.

Our  ozonated oxygen products are available at

Skin treatment

Try the new cosmetic treatment with ozone for a perfectly rejuvenated skin
                                                        Skin treatment

Ozone treatment for the skin

Considering the multiple benefits of the Ozone Therapy, it would be a waste for it not to be used in cosmetic treatment also, which really is one of the most progressive fields of use. This is how the great Skin Treatment with ozone have come up.
Ozone Oil does nothing more but to open its gates to everyone looking for a clearer, rejuvenated skin and with a great texture, by offering ozone based treatments.

 Revolutionary skin treatment. Say Yes!

Cosmetic issues – acne, blackheads, wrinkles, rosacea, and allergies – shouldn’t be hidden under the makeup or ignored, but treated! This duty is successfully carried out by the ozone. Enjoy the hydration, cleaning and rejuvenating of your skin, the protection of your face from the cold and other negative factors, the reaching of a pleasant and soft aspect of your skin! All with ozone oil.
The ozone is a unique agent in the saving and restoration of the natural beauty and health of your skin. These skin treatment do not hide the flaws, but bring back to normal the natural functions and stimulate the normal skin processes. They are based on essential elements only: water and oxygen/ ozone. What would be better?